K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin\SyncEngine.exe -syncmode=fullall -metadatabinaries=K:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory -connect="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AxDB;Integrated Security=True;Enlist=True;Application Name=SyncEngine" -fallbacktonative=False -verbosity=Diagnostic
Friday, 20 November 2020
Process of importing data by data project using JSON file through post man tool:
Process of importing data by data project using JSON file through post man tool:
Data files:
Crate 3 files as
a. JSON-XML.xslt
b. Categorydata : Specify data for entity fields
"Document": {
"TBWEcoResCategoryEntity": [
c. CategoryMapping : Entity fields mapping
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Setting configurations in D365 - FinOps:
1. Go to path: system administration > Data management > Import
2. Create new data project with entity (Category) and file format will be JSON as below
3. Upload the mapping file (CategoryMapping) which is created in Data files section c.Category mapping.
4. Click on view map then check the mapping details for fields and then go to transformation tab. Here we need to upload the JSON-XM.xslt file which was created previously in DataFiles section C. JSON-XML.xslt
5. And then click ApplyTransform button and close the form.
6. And move to data project form action pane Manage tab > manage recurring data jobs
7. Here in this form give the name and ID field will generate automatically.
Application id needs to give from post man tool client id data
Enabled field as Yes.
Click on set process recurrence button and set recurrence as 1 min
And enable is recurring job field.
8. Manage message button is for checking the status and application ids which is send from post man tool.
Message id is generated from post man tool and status field shows the queued or processed or failed. For checking staging data click on view execution details.
Setting post man tool configuration as
Resource: dev box url
1. Generate bearer token by using AddGetAccessToken
2. Create collection for product hierarchy set the below properties as
Entity value: category (Data entity label)
Activity id: Data project id (which is created in section setting configuration in D365-FinOps point 7).
3. Attach the categoryData file which is created in section Datafiles b. in body tab of post man tool
4. Now click send button then id will create in post man tool this same id will reflects in data project manage ques showing status as queued.
5. After that status will changed as processing, if data imported successfully status as processed if any errors status as failed.